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What is a temporary residence permit in Ukraine?


According to current Ukrainian legislation, temporary residence permit is a card with contactless electronic media, which certifies legal grounds for a temporary stay in Ukraine.

Generally, a temporary residence permit is given for a 1-year term. However, there are some exceptions depending on the ground for obtaining a temporary residence permit. For example, if the ground is employment, a temporary residence permit is given for the period equal to the term of work permit (up to three years).


Legal grounds for a temporary stay in Ukraine and obtaining a temporary residence permit


A foreign citizen or stateless person can obtain a temporary residence permit in Ukraine on the following grounds:

1) arrival in Ukraine for employment purposes with a long -term visa (type D);

2) arrival in Ukraine for participation in international technical aid projects, which are registered according to the established procedure;

3) arrival in Ukraine for preaching religious doctrines, performing religious rites or other canonical activities by invitation of religious organisations and by approval of competent authority;

4) arrival in Ukraine for participation in activities of branch offices of foreign NGOs, registered according to established procedures;

5) arrival in Ukraine for participation in activities of branch offices of foreign business entities, registered according to established procedures;

6) arrival in Ukraine for participation in activities of branch offices of foreign banks, registered according to established procedures;

7) arrival in Ukraine for cultural, scientifical or educational activities on grounds and according to procedures, established by international agreements or special programs; professional sportsmen; arrival in Ukraine for participation in international or regional volunteer programs or to participate in activities of volunteer organisations, registered in Ukraine according to established procedures;

8) arrival in Ukraine for work as a newswriter and as a representative of foreign mass media;

9) arrival in Ukraine for study purposes;

10) arrival in Ukraine as a (co)owner and/or beneficiary of a Ukrainian legal entity with the purpose of exercising control over it;

11) arrival in Ukraine for purposes of the family reunion with persons who are citizens of Ukraine OR who got married to citizens of Ukraine during a legal stay in Ukraine OR who are staying in Ukraine on legal grounds (this provision has implied limitations);

12) expiration of a time limit accorded for a stay in places of a temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons who are illegally staying in Ukraine.



Procedure for obtaining a temporary residence permit in Ukraine



Documents for obtaining a temporary residence permit are to be submitted to a governmental enterprise controlled by the State Migration Service of Ukraine, centers for providing administrative services, or regional offices of State Migration Service of Ukraine where a foreigner or stateless person resides.

For obtaining a temporary residence permit the following documents should be submitted:

1) a passport document with a long-term D type visa, if Ukrainian legislation and international agreements do not provide for an exception;

2) identity document of a representative and the power of attorney, if documents are submitted through a representative;

3) notarized translation of a passport document into the Ukrainian language - order it online;

4) valid health insurance;

5) receipt of administrative fee payment or documents confirming exemption from payment of administrative fee;

6) other documents depending on a legal ground of temporary stay in Ukraine.



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